Gif in emails
Gif in emails

When it comes to email marketing, you have three basic factors to consider Metal slug revolution download. They are design, images, and copy (text). It can be difficult to set your communications apart from the rest but by adding an interactive element, you may find success 돈 크라이 마미 다운로드. This strategy involves using animated GIFs in email and it can be highly effective.

What’s a GIF?

Graphics Interchange Format is a special format CompuServe developed it in the late 1980s hangul 2014 below. It has become very popular and adopted by many electronic mail clients and Web browsers. A GIF can contain the power of motion with animation. It’s similar to flipping through images printed on the back of playing cards like cheese. In fact, during the early years of the Internet, the GIF was the main method for providing movement to web pages. Although they are a part of history, history is repeating itself, and these images are becoming excellent tools for the 21st Century marketer easy settings 다운로드.

Why Do I Need GIF Images?

Moving GIF images are an inexpensive way to add luster to a marketing campaign. Many effective business emails utilize these images for adding humor, and they are very effective Ms office 2016 mac Hangul download. GIF marketing can be used for many things. For instance, not long ago a clothing retailer provided a GIF image as an animated gift, and when people subscribed, it unwrapped so they could see what was inside 호빗3 다운로드. This adds a sense of mystery and piques curiosity, and can be used to get more landing page clicks.

A moving GIF can explain new interface designs or help viewers learn how your applications work modeling. They make excellent “mini tutorials” to answer many customer questions and concerns. They can also lend support to tutorials and make the material easier to digest faststone capture 다운로드.


Nothing is perfect, and there are some drawbacks to consider. For one thing, not all email clients support these images (Microsoft Outlook for example) To overcome this, clever marketers include important info in the first GIF frames, so it can still be seen opening.

You can use animated GIF strategy too much, and your subscribers will no longer pay attention to them. To avoid this, try using them sparingly, to keep things fresh and new.

Another thing to consider is file size. Some images may be too large (especially for your mobile audience). Make sure to explore methods for reducing file size, so your reader’s data plans are not adversely affected.

How to Send GIFs in Emails

After optimizing your images now, it’s time to send them. This is the easy part. These images are sent the same way any still image would be sent. For example, you’ll want to include the source URL, path, width, height, alt and border info in your HTML code.

Using Animated GIFs In Email
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