Over the years, the idea of working nine-to-five has slowly eroded. Largely because businesses now require their staff to put in more hours at the office to stay ahead of the competition 행정지도 다운로드.

Most people thought that with the introduction of new technology, maintaining regular hours at the office would be a sure thing. However, according to the statistics, things have just gotten worse 초월광보합 다운로드. For instance, back in 2002, less than 10% of employees happened to check their emails outside office hours, while today, it is 50%. This is largely because of tablets and other kinds of Smartphone devices jxl jar.

Labour unions have also taken notice of this trend and are raising concerns about working hours and its effects on employees mental, physical, and psychological health 익스플로러 이미지 다운로드.

The various studies done on employees and working hours tend to focus on the time spent at the office. However, some experts believe that they should go further and evaluate the conditions of paid employment Erwin 7 3. This is because even if a job entails few working hours, but is still highly stressful and overly demanding, then the physical, mental, and psychological effects on the employee may still be as severe Elona download.

Why all this is important

For jobs to become conducive to the mental and physiological health of employees, a reduction in working hours should be considered LipFrog. However, it is also essential that the jobs being offered with tasks that also vary and have more meaning.

With the way things stand today, capitalism has had a dismal track at creating ideal jobs for workers curl https 다운로드. With more than a third of employees believing that their jobs are meaningless. Employers of the future will have to re-evaluate their approach when it comes to creating sustainable jobs Php fileed.

Why your job could be killing you